Monday, February 21, 2011


The thought of writing valuable content sometimes can be so overwhelming that many of us decide we just cannot do it on a regular basis. Here are a few tips to making it easier:

1. Do use information that you already are an expert in.  You don't have to spend hours and hours researching before writing valuable content. You know your product or business more than anyone else and already possess the information people are looking for.

2. Don't assume the information you are  giving is common sense and everyone knows it already! It may be common sense for you but not for the majority of your audience. Do write about the basics.

3. Chances are that what is interesting for you is interesting or of value to others.

4. You may be an expert in your field but your audience is not so remember to use easy to understand terms.

5. Be generous about offering information. Don't hold back.

6. Keep content short and to the point. If you can get the message across using less words, do so.

7. Keep in mind where your content is being published online and who your audience is accordingly : a wall post on Facebook, a blog post, a tweet, etc.

1 comment:

Jack Martin said...

I definitely agree with #5. Offer lots of useful information to your potential customers. You need to show them you have value before they will buy, or subscribe, or whatever you want them to do.