Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Part II- Social Media Marketing Strategy & Defining Your Goals

You need to set specific goals and include them in your social media strategy.  Different types of social media require different types of goals. Goals should be measurable. A starting point for defining goals for social networking sites for instance would be to consider the metrics that apply to them. Here metrics include: number of fans or likes, number of comments, number of discussions started, how much time visitors stay on your site, traffic, number of photos added by friends, and how many times you have been tagged by others.

For example a goal may be to have a 15% increase in fans in 3 months on your social networking site or a similar increase in comments on your blog. If you are not reaching your desired goal, you may need to modify that goal and try a new approach. Perhaps your audience is not using social networking sites but is more present in forums or message boards. Perhaps you need to give more time to the social networking site or perhaps the tactic for engagement is wrong altogether.

Perhaps your goal is simply to turn around the negativity caused by problems with your product or your customer service. Perhaps your goal is to just get out there and get noticed. You have a new product and need exposure.

The more detailed your goals are, the more likely you will achieve them.  Most importantly, how will the achievement of these goals translate to saving money or making money?

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